Newsweek falsely insinuates that 1/3 of Americans are Holocaust deniers in title of new article.

The title gives the false impression that 1/3 of Americans are Holocaust deniers, which was doubtless their intention. But when you read the article you discover that the numbers presented relate to people being ignorant about and not at all denying the Holocaust.

"93 percent of those asked think the Holocaust should be taught in schools, while 96 percent believe that the genocide happened."


Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), told Newsweek that the ADL's research shows Americans “overwhelmingly—almost universally,” know the Holocaust happened.

The basis of the article is a survey published by he Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany entitled: "New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States."

(see at

The survey shows that Americans are generally ignorant of the basic facts of the holocaust. Here is an example:

"Almost half (45 percent) of Americans were unable to name a single concentration camp, and the number was even worse for millennials (49 percent). Two-thirds (66 percent) of millennials were unable to explain what Auschwitz was."

I find deplorable the misleading character of the title, which represents a seemingly intentional misrepresentation of both the original report and the views of Americans generally.  But what can Newsweek's motive be in engaging in such deplorable journalistic tactics, unless its to profit off the ill-informed fear and hostility of its readers toward others?  There is a text out of Hebrew Scriptures that I think would back me up hear. It reads: "Though shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor."


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