"Chief information officer at Liberty University in Virginia" John Gauger fudges polls for Cohen?

Note: I'm not interested in what this article says about Trump or Cohen, but rather about what it says about the guy Cohen hired, namely John Gauger who is said to be "chief information officer at Liberty University in Virginia."
Two passage I find particularly remarkable:
"In January 2014, Mr. Cohen asked Mr. Gauger to help Mr. Trump score well in a CNBC online poll to identify the country’s top business leaders by writing a computer script to repeatedly vote for him. Mr. Gauger was unable to get Mr. Trump into the top 100 candidates."
Key phrase: "writing a computer script to repeatedly vote."
And then secondly:
"Mr. Cohen also asked Mr. Gauger to create a Twitter account called @WomenForCohen. The account, created in May 2016 and run by a female friend of Mr. Gauger, described Mr. Cohen as a “sex symbol,” praised his looks and character.
So here is my question: Is this the sort of thing "chief information officers" at Christian universities usually get up to? And then secondly, if so do they practice similar approaches to promoting their schools in the name of "forwarding the cause of Christ"?
We know that Liberty is strict about some things. So for example we may be sure that Mr. Gauger is a pre-trib premillenialist, or at least claims he is, because, as I understand it at least, you can't work at Liberty unless you are. Are we to assume then that at Liberty fudging polls is acceptable so long as the ones doing it are sound on a pre-trib rapture? Help me out here.
All this assuming of course that the story is even true.


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