Psychedelics Manuscripts Art Workup under construction

Library of Congress Ambrose Hexameron:

Morgan Crusader Bible MS M.638 

Rheinau Psalter Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. Rh. 167 : Rheinau Psalter

Psalter of Saint Germain of Paris.

Bury Bible

Johns Hopkins Digital Library of Medieval Manuscripts

Mainz Psalter

Dagulf Psalter Carolingian

Grande Bible historiale complétée. | Gallica (

Bible of Borso d'Este 1, 12

The Furtmeyr Bible. | Library of Congress (

Koberger Bible. | Library of Congress (

Ms L Sup Abrosiana

Facebook The 

Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung - INTF

Cambridge MS K. 21 f.66r Cantica, Hymns etc.  14th century

Biblioteca Pinacoteca Accademia Ambrosiana Ms L 58 sup. Gospel of Pseudo Matthew

Psychedelics and Spirituality: Exploring the Intersection at Psychedelic Science 2023 - Lions Roar

Symbolism of Fruit in Christian Art --Aleteia

Paris Psalter BnF grec 139  10th century

Henry Mayr-Harting Ottonian Book Illumination: An Historical Study

 BnF, Smith-Lesouëf 3 (11th cent)  

Jerome Xavier's Biography of Jesus.  Public Domain Images from the Cleveland Museum 
Jerome Xavier's Biography of Jesus 

Karlsruhe. Badische Landesbibliothek, Bruchsal 1 1 2 

Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram BSB Clm 14000

Floreffa Bible Vol. 1 (Add MS 17737), Vol. 2 (Add MS 17738)

Vatican Bible Moralisee 

French Bible moralisee Later

BL Royal MS 19 D III, fol 3r (1411)

St Gall Library Manuscripts.  Amazing collection

British Library Add MS 38116


Luttrell Psalter British Library

 British Library, Royal 19 D II 1350-5

British Library Royal 19 D III, 1411 and here

Harley MS 334 2nd quarter 15th cent. 

Bible moralisée ( 

Kalendarium. - Psalterium cum Canticis, Symbolo Athanasii, Litaniis BPL 76 A (Licence CC BY)

Cotton Claudius B IV 11th-12th cent Unfinished so you can trace drawing painting process. 

Bible de Souvigny 1190-99

Hildegard Book of Divine Works

Hildegard Scivias

Scivias Heidelberg Copy and here 

Pictures of the Salerno ivories

BnF Latin 6 (1) 

Dialogue in Praise of the Holy Cross (1170-1180)

BL Add MS 17333 (1320-1330) Illustrated Apocalypse 

The Cloisters Apocalypse (Met) 

Psalterium, dit Psautier de Blanche de Castille. | Gallica ( 

BSB Clm 17404 Josephus Jesse Tree.

Add MS 38116 Huth Psalter

Master of Ingeborg Psalter 1199-1210

Liber Scivius 

Altarpiece | Unknown | V&A Explore The Collections (

Digitized Medieval Manuscripts DMMAPP

BSB shelfmark: Clm 2939

Gospel of Passau. | Library of Congress (

'Evangelia in missis celebrandis legenda, cum X tabulis et multis literis bene pictis - Reichenauer Evangelistar - BSB Clm 23338' - Details | MDZ ( A Ottonian MS with a Mushroom tree with multiple kinds of branches. 

 of Lorsch (Evangeliary of UdalricGospelh).

Hildegard Liber Scivius 

Bamberger Apocalypse Bamberger Apokalypse - Staatsb... ( Mushroom trees that look like it on 57r 

BnF Latin Ms 9393 

'Perikopenbuch aus St. Erentrud in Salzburg - Evangelia in missa legi solita, praecedente capitulari evangeliorum - BSB Clm 15903', Image 1 of 223 | MDZ (

Codex Aureus of Echternach (Codex aureus Epternacensis) 

Codex Aureus of Echternach Book 

Rabbula Rabula Gospels

Codex Aurelius of Echternach (1930-50)

Healing of the blind (Mark 10:46-52/Luke 18:35-43) 52v.

Baptism of Jesus in a pile of water 19v

Parable of the Workers in the Vinyard 76v interestingly the very next page (77r) has the parables of the rented vinyard where the renters kill the messengers and it is clearly vines with grapes.

Lazarus and the rich man with the Bossom of Abraham 78r

The crucifixion and Burial of 111r 

The Todi Bible, c. 1025 with images of  

The three women at the grave fol. 111v

Creation and Fall Scene from the Bible of Saint Paul Outside the Gates  Bible of St. Paul Outside the Walls (Codex Membranaceus Saeculi IX, fol. 8v),

Paradise - the temptation by the snake | Paradise - the temp… | Flickr Adam and eve with picture that could be falsely claimed to look like mushroom trees.

Christ in mandorla with Ottonian Mushroom trees München BSB Clm 4454 fol-20v Evangeliar Kaiser Heinrichs II 

Eden Scene with finger pointing like in Bernward doors. 

The 4 rivers of paradise with lots of mushroom trees

Ivory Tree of Eden scene  

Forbidden fruit pomerganite? 

Florentine artist - Study, female Portrait in profile (147… | Flickr

Christ and Abraham surrounded by four rivers of Eden

Ivory Baptism Scene with Personified Jordon

Cain's Gifts and Abels and Cain murders Abel

Egerton 1139

Bernward Doors page in Petrus page 131

Bernward Column tree 1 Margburg foto index 

Bernward Column tree 2 Marburg foto index

Bernward Column 3 Marburg foto index

Bernward Column 4 Marburg foto index

Cana-Jug Marburg foto index

Bernward fall scene 1 Marburg foto index

Bernward fall scene 2 Marburg foto index

Bernward Fall scene 3 Marburg foto index 

Bernward Fall scene 4 Marbarg foto index 

Madorla 1 

France, Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque d'agglomération, Ms. 12, vol. 1 | Biblissima Mushroom Trees

God and Satan speaking about Job - Job amidst his family -… | Flickr Mushroom trees 

Miniature of four men of different races with their respec… | Flickr 

Pieter Bruegel the elder - Twelve proverbs [1558] - | Flickr 

Fol-8r May - Gemini | Fol-8r May - Gemini ******************… | Flickr 

Early Christian Ivory casket from Samagher with iconograph… | Flickr 

Adam naming the animals - the Creation of Eve, the Temptat… | Flickr

Two women holding poppy-flowers (the left one holds additi… | Flickr 

Evangelist John (symbol eagle) & Ascension of Christ | Flickr 

Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist in the river Jordan | Flickr 

Duomo (Verona) - San Giovanni in Fonte - baptismal font | Flickr 

Scene 3: John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the Jordan riv… | Flickr 

exaltation de la fleur - stèle funéraire [470-460 BC] - Lo… | Flickr 

exaltation de la fleur - stèle funéraire [470-460 BC] - Lo… | Flickr 

Crucifixion with Maria and Johannes, Longinus and Stefaton… | Flickr 

Presentation of Jesus in the temple - Baptism of Jesus by … | Flickr 

Presentation of Jesus in the temple - Baptism of Jesus by … | Flickr  

Bible of San Paolo fuori le Mura 6bs - patrimonioediciones… | Flickr 

Topiary 1515

FIU Professor Returns from Retirement to Teach Hallucinogens Course - PantherNOW

Submitting a proposal | Journals | Oxford Academic (  

Manuscripts (

ULg Ms.363 Evangeliaire d'Averbode

Fuldaer Sakramentar - BSB Clm 10077

Fuldaer Sakramentar BSB Clm 10077  Here actually

Evangeliar - Staatsbibliothek ... (

Evangeliar - Staatsbibliothek Bamberg Msc.Bibl.94

The Digital Walters - Digitized Walters Manuscripts

Bible de Vivien, dite Premiere Bible de Charles le Chauve 

Evangeliar Ottos III. - BSB Clm 4453 (baptism p. 30)

Des hl. Bernward Evangelienbuch im Dome zu Hildesheim Mit Handschriften des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts in kunsthistorischer und liturgischer Hinsicht verglichen


Hunterian Psalter Intro Page ("all the full miniatures") York Psalter

Huntarian Psalter

Bernward Gospels Kostbares Evangeliar

Book on Bernward and Hidesheim in French.

Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial - La mise en réseau des hommes et des artefacts dans l’église Saint-Michel d’Hildesheim - Éditions de la Sorbonne (

Très belles Heures de Notre-Dame. | Gallica (

Petites Heures Du Duc de Berry  Sun and moon obscured at crucifixion

Book of Hours Paris 1524 (Library of Congress)

Biblia Vol 1 14th cent. Illustrated Latin Bible (Library of Congress)

Biblia Vol 2 14th cent. Illustrated Latin Bible (Library of Congress)

Rochester Bestiary 

St Augustine's Gospels 

Abbey Church in Muestair Switzerland

Source for Eusebius and Jerome's Chronicon, Excerpta Latina Barbari (English translation), Chronicon Paschale and a few other sources of interest.

Royal MS 2 B VII 'The Queen Mary Psalter'  An amazing Gothic piece.

Psalter of Blanche of Castile 13th cent. 

The Book of Durrow

Book of Kells 

Golden Munich Psalter

Initiale - Manuscript - Paris, Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève, 1273 (

'Evangeliar - BSB Clm 4451', Image 1 of 342 | MDZ (

Baptisms in MSS  

Canons ( Making sense of the terminology

The Various Typica of the Eastern Orthodox Church (

Reading of Icons – Icon of the Epiphany of Jesus Christ – Seeking Theosis

Ad Imaginem Dei: The Baptism of the Lord -- The Basics

Gospel book, MS M.749 fol. 4r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum 1461

Baptism on BAptismal

Holkham Bible Picture Book - The British Library  Good example of trees that use single leaves (Maple?) Oak as crowns. This is just a sample of pictures. 

More complete version of the Holkham Bible Picture Book 

The British Library MS Viewer (

Wasson and Allegro on the Tree of Knowledge as Amanita - Logos Media

Alcuin's Bible 

Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1511

Sun 2/6/2022 5:10 PM
  •  You
Hi Ron, 
When I moved across the country, an entire box of my research materials never made it. I rather stupidly used a "piggyback" moving company (where I send my stuff along with other peoples' stuff to save money) - anyway, somewhere between NY and Oregon someone ended up with a treasure trove of my research materials; sadly, my copies of MS Bod 602 were in there). Ruck and Bennett definitely backed off from promoting the image as a mushroom. Bennett finds the whole "holy mushroom" idea ridiculous these days (with good reason). Ruck corrected his earlier stance on the image and cites me as the reason in his book, The Son Conceived in Drunkenness. I am not sure if Samorini is familiar with my critique of the image. He's a good, honest chap so my guess is that he'd come around if the argument was presented to him. And Irvin .... Irvin will always be a paranoid, delusional idiot, so his thoughts on this (and any other) topic really do not matter. dancing 'round the inexpressible fire,

New Additions (

Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 764 Good examples of non mushroom mushroom trees. Bestiary

bestiario.pdf (

The mediaeval bestiary and its textual tradition : Volume 1 ( 


Jerry B. Brown and Tom Hatsis - Christianity and the Psychedelic Mushroom: A Debate – Psychedelics Today

The Psychedelic Gospels - The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity

Psychedelics in history
Loebolus ( Loeb index

New Additions (

Handschriftencensus | Nürnberg

Handschriftencensus | Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Bibliothek, Hs. 16752 Book of Lambspring 

The Book of Lambspring, 1556 | Compendium Naturalis

Medieval Alchemists and Cannabis - This is an extract from Bennett et al book

Jan Irvin Talks with Steve Beyer –

Confessions of a Hierophant | A film by Andrew Rutajit (2020 Edition) - YouTube

Chris Bennett, Author at Cannabis Culture 

The Fungi-Pareidolia of The Psychedelic Gospels | Cannabis Culture

Manuscript Index | The Aberdeen Bestiary | The University of Aberdeen (

Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 602 (  Bodlian Bestiary that has the enebriated man next to a mushroom

Salamanders, one putting out flames; boy who has been stung.


Dear Prof. Letcher,In Shroom you differ from the theory of some (see, e.g., Giorgio Samorini and Carl A. Ruck) who identify the tree in the scene from the Garden of Eden, arguing instead that the "image on the door is simply a stylized representation of that most biblical of plants, the fig-tree" (p. 36 of the 2006 Faber & Faber edition).  In support of this you reference a personal communication from the well-known medievalist Henrietta Leyser.  Do you still have that communication or at least remember what her rational for identifying the Bernward tree as she did?Thanks,All best wishes, Ron Huggins



Hi Ron,

Good to hear from you and thanks for the question.
I knew Henrietta personally so it was almost certainly a conversation round her kitchen table. Nothing, alas, to show you.
The best person to speak to on these matters is Tom Hatsis, who goes out on social media as the Psychedelic Historian. He has done considerable research into these images since Shroom was published.
Sorry not to be more help,
Schumacher College MA Engaged EcologyProgramme lead Dr Andy Letcher

The Dogmatist’s Debacle – Psychedelic Historian

Swiss Codices

The Art of Topiary | The Medieval Garden Enclosed | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (

BVMM - PARIS, Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Mn.Mas 0001, recto (

France, Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms 313 | Biblissima all mushroom trees

Category:Miniatures from Der naturen bloeme - KB KA 16 - Wikimedia Commons

Ada Gospels<

Abbeville Gospels Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 4 

Carolingians Psalter of Louis the Germans<

Godescalc Gospel Lectionary (Paris, BNF. lat.1203)

Ottonian: BnF Latin 8851: Sainte-Chapelle Gospels  BnF Latin 8851: Sainte-Chappelle Gospels<

Ottonian Cotton MS Tiberius A II The British Library MS Viewer (  

Cotton MS Tiberius C VI 

Ottonian Seeon Gospels Evangelistar Heinrichs II  Bamburg Msc. Bibl. 95 1002-1014

IIIF MS Collection

Vatican Virgil

Vatican Library Greek Leo Bible 9th century

List of illuminated manuscripts - Wikipedia 

Vatican Library Reg. lat.  MS list  

Vatican Library Pal. lat. Ms list

Vatican Library Reg. gr. Ms list

Vatican Library Ms list

The Salzburg Pericope Book

Perikopenbuch aus St. Erentrud in Salzburg - Evangelia in missa legi solita, praecedente capitulari evangeliorum - BSB Clm 15903

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 286: Gospels of St Augustine only two pictures.  One a set of scenes from the life of Christ, the other an evangelist flanked by scenes from the life of Christ. 

Harley MS 2821<

Evangeliar - BSB Clm 4454

Reichenau Epistolary

Vatican Digital Manuscripts | DigiVatLib | DigiVatLib

Info on Vatican Digitized Manuscripts  Not the MSS but bibliography: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (

Manuscripts ( Ottonian Manuscript group

Register - University Library (

Walter's Gallery Reichenau Gospels 

Walters Reichenau Gospels Better Copy

MGH SS 7 ( Hildersheim Chronicle

Check Manuscript Collection: Digitised Manuscripts of the National Library | Manuscriptorium

Michaelisplatz, St. Michaelis, Innenraum Hildesheim search term forWikimedia Commons

Page of links to Bernward Gospels  To get a bigger picture you have to go to red show object box.

Roda Bible 

Bibliothèque municipale de Poitiers MS. 250 Vie de sainte Radegonde

Limoge sacramentary 1

Limoge Sacramentary 2

Beatus a Liebana, Commentarius in Apocalypsin

Sogenanntes Kostbares Evangeliar — Kreuzigung und Evangelist Lukas, Folio fol. 118v - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (

Latin 9388 9th cent (845-55)

Evangelia quattuor [Évangiles dits de Drogon] (1r-183r). Capitulare evangeliorum (184v-196v). | Gallica (<

Evangelia quattuor [Évangiles dits de Drogon] (1r-183r). Capitulare evangeliorum (184v-196v). | Gallica (

The Golden Age of Classic Christian Art

Hours of Jeanne of Navarre (c. 1334)

Hours of Yolande of Flanders Yates Thompson MS 27

The British Library MS Viewer (

Reichenau Gospels

Petershausener Sakramentar 

Reichenau Gospel

Drogo Sacramentary and here <

Dialogue in Praise of the Holy Cross 1170-1180 BSB Clm 14159 // Dialogus de laudibus sanctae crucis / executed in the Ratisbon school, which is difficult to locate and was probably situated in the monastery of Saint Emmeram or the convent at Prüfening. 

Hornbach Sacramentary before Reichenau before 983 Ottonian Domschatz der St.-Ursen-Kathedrale, Cod. U 1 

Manuscripts online Medieval Manuscripts on the Web (digitized manuscripts) (

Manuscripts in the de Hamel Manuscripts

Gospels of Saint Augustine   Codex Amiatinus

Book of Kells  Leiden Aratea (book on) Morgan Beatus Hugo Pictor

MSS 12958

Mushroom metaphysics: Psychedelics change your philosophy - Big Think

Vienna Genesis Genesis: Sog. Wiener Genesis (  early 6th cent. 

LXX Österreicheische Nationalbibliothek cod. theol. gr. 31; Ralphs siglum L / Origin: Syria? / Style: Roman / Earliest well-preserved bible codex. Purple Vellum 

CodexSinopensis  6th century Purple Vellum 

Codex Pupureus Rossanensis

Rossano Calabro Codex Purpureus Rossanensis ( pictures of the minatures

First half of the 6th century

Vienna Genesis illustrated pages with titles: ÖNB Digital (

The Ashburnham, or Tours, Pentateuch — Viewer — World Digital Library (  6th-7th cent.


Carolingian MSS

Lothaire Gospels 

First Bible of Charles the Bald 

Second Bible of Charles the Bald

Ebbo Gospels 816-835 From Rheims a major Scriptorium at the time 

Loisel Gospels Evangelia [Evangiles dits de Loisel]. | Gallica ( Rheims c. 825<

Comparing the Ebbo and Coronation Gospels

Coronation Evangeliar 794-800

Gospels of Francis II Paris Bibl. National, Nat. 257

Ingeborg Psalter

The Lindau Gospels St. Gall, Switzerland, between 880 and 899 with the cover later

S. Louis Psalter

Ingelborg Psalter

Digitised Manuscripts (

Master of the Ingeborg Psalter

The Macclesfield Psalter


Cotton MS Nero C IV Winchester 12th, 13th cent. All sorts of plate mushroom trees. 44v shows a person nocking acorns or cones from a plate tree.

Aachen Gospels has one miniture with mushroom tree. 

Carolingian School 

(1) The Caolingian "Palace" School (Aachen Codex) Followed Early Christian and Byzantine Prototypes. 
(2) Ada School following late Roman Prototypes Liuthard Group
(3) Rheims School  (early to mid-9th cent.)  e.g. Utrecht Psalter

British Add MS 10546 parallel to Bernward imagery.

St. Medard-Soisson Gospels Ada School (i.e., Charlemagne's Court School)  BnF Ms. Lat. 8850 c. 810

Ottonian Art national style of German art that arose after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire (1050-1150)  It influrced and was superseded by the Pan-European Romanesque Style (Summary of OHA p. 529)

Corbie Psalter, Amiens Municiple Library Ms 18 800-810

Codex Egberti (10th cent.)

Type: Gospel Book

Origin: scriptorium of the Reichenau Monastery for Bishop Egbert of Trier (980–993)

School: Ottonian 

Current location: Stadtbibliothek, Trier (Cod. 24) 

Book on Egberti 

DFG-Viewer: Stuttgarter Psalter - Cod.bibl.fol.23

Pennssylvania Project for digitizing MSS Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis – Digitizing 160,000 glorious pages of medieval manuscripts (

Bern Codex 318 Physiologus Bernensis Excellent display of Carolingian Trees Rheims 830 Bern Codex 318 

The Index | Digital Image Collection:The Gabriel Millet Collection (

The Index | Digital Image Collection:The Gabriel Millet Collection (

The Index | Digital Image Collection:The Gabriel Millet Collection (


9th century Bestiary with the same kind of trees as Utrecht

The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection (

Mushroom trees double high after they learned to draw trees from Morgan Library

A Guide to Christian Iconography:
Images, Symbols, and Texts

Iconography of Sarcophagus Frontal Pio Cristiano 31551 (

Digital Facsimiles | The Morgan Library & Museum

Ottonian Mushroom tree 

Princeton Index of Medieval Art Free Images

Carmina Burana One of Samorini's evidences

Golden Munich Psalters

Page 54 Last Supper

Psalter from Polling — Viewer — World Digital Library (  Baptism

Codex of Uta and here (better)

Historia Plantarum below

Bamberger Apokalypse - Staatsb... (

Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart : Theophrastus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 

Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart : Theophrastus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Flower of Nature


Jacob van Maerlant (circa 1235−1300) was arguably the most important Dutch poet of the 13th century. He produced a verse translation of the Bible (the Rijmbijbel) and an adaptation, Spiegel historiael, of the Speculum historiale by Vincent of Beauvais (died 1264), a history of the world to the year 1250. The manuscript shown here, Der naturen bloeme (The flower of nature), i

Site with good pictures of Saint-Martin Vicq

Pompierre tympanum

Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Series Latina - Google Books

Limoges Sacramentary

Gospel Book of Otto III

Illuminated Manuscripts from Europe

The Six Books of the Hexaemeron (The Six Days) by Ambrose - World Digital Library (

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 193: Ambrose, Hexameron no pictures

Gospel of Francis II 

2nd half of the 9th cent.Gospels of Francis II. Paris, Bibl.National,Lat. 257 (147v).Saint-Amand. Evangeliary.

Unfinished 13th cent Manuscript that shows the drawing  The Bible moralisée 

Histoire universelle depuis la Création jusqu’a César, MS M.516 fol. 13r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum

Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux
France, after 1246

Getty Open Use Program

The False Promise of Psychedelic Utopia ( 

Getty | Search Master of John Mandeble  All the trees mushroom trees

Ambrose Hexameron 
Austrian Manuscripts Austrian Literature Online

Cædmon Manuscript Bodleian Library MS. Junius 11

Lateinischer Psalter aus England - BSB Clm 835<

Walters Manuscript W. 106 13th cent 

Walters MS 7 Reichenau Gospels

[Mai 2013] La nef de la chapelle de Plaincourault : relevé archéographique des blasons | Carnets du CESCM ( Stradda

Does This Medieval Fresco Show A Hallucinogenic Mushroom in the Garden of Eden? - Atlas Obscura

This article is not supportive of the thesis

Gospel Book of Henry the Lion  

Book of hours Duc de Berry 

The Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, Duchess of Normandy | DigiVatLib The Homilies of James of Kokkinobaphos

Gospel Book from the Bamberg Cathedral (Reichenau Gospel)

Gospel Book of Henry II (beginning of the eleventh century) 

Sacramentary of Henry II (1002)

Pericopes (Sections) Book of Henry II

78r (159) Triumphal entry with tree close to city. 
2 Mushroom threes at 131v (266)  (ascension) and 200r (403) Zacchaeus) the latter is a hybrid 

Gospel Lectionary  One Mushroom tree with Zacchaeus 184r (image 372) that is very similar to the one in Pericopes Book of Henry II 200r (represents the Reichenau Ottonian school of illumination on a similarly high artistic plane. It thus exemplifies the outstanding position of this Lake Constance monastery at the time of the Saxon emperors [919-1024])

11th Century Gospel Lectionary not any mushroom tree.

Gospel of the Year

Gospel of Otto III  Mistake

Chapelle de Plaincourault (

Digitised Manuscripts ( Carrara Herbal

Quattuor Evangelia - Uta-Evangelistar (Uta-Codex) - BSB Clm 13601

The Howard Psalter (Arundel Manuscript 83), c. 1308-1340

Angels with multicolored wings Arundel 83 , 130r and v, 134v(!)

Living women contrasted with dead skeletons standing Arundel 83 127r

Lamgods open - File:Ghent Altarpiece E - Hermits.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Canterbury cathedral medieval stained glass (

Baldassare degli Embriachi | Panels from Two Caskets | Italian | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (

 Oxford Bodleian 270b (Bible Moralisee) 

Douce Apocalypse Bodleian Library MS. Douce 180 (

Great Canterbury Psalter Psalterium Cantuariense [Psautier de Canterbury] | Europeana 

Great Canterbury Psalter BnF. Département des Manuscrits. Latin 8846 | Polonsky (

Psalterium Cantuariense [Psautier de Canterbury] | Gallica (

Noli me tangere Icon with the Noli me tangere - Museum of Russian Icons

John Rush collection (below)

The British Library MS Viewer ( 

Image of an item from the British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts ( Arundel 60 f. 52v

'Perikopenbuch aus St. Erentrud in Salzburg - Evangelia in missa legi solita, praecedente capitulari evangeliorum - BSB Clm 15903', Image 2 of 223 | MDZ (

Good Mushroom trees

Psalterium Cantuariense [Psautier de Canterbury] | Gallica (

circa instans Merz digital collections Browse - The LuEsther T. Mertz Library (

“De Materia Medica” by Dioscorides — Viewer — World Digital Library (

Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1504 ( 

Trees in the Middle Ages -

Liber Floridus [manuscript] (

WI-ID Subject Tree (  Speculum

Medieval Censorship, Nudity And The Revealing History Of The Fig Leaf (

Medieval frescoes | The Spectator

[Mai 2013] La nef de la chapelle de Plaincourault : relevé archéographique des blasons | Carnets du CESCM ( 

Bilan de santé pour la chapelle (  The restoration of plancourault

Bodleian Library MS. Douce 204 ( with mushroom trees

WI-ID Subject Tree (


Spegel der minschlichen Salicheyt. Speculum humanae salvationis - Digital collections (  

Medieval Mushrooms - Leiden Medievalists Blog

MERIGNY - Map of Mérigny 36220 France (

Obsequiale Brixinense Digitale Bibliothek - Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum (


Add MS 54179 baptised in a pile of water



Plants in Medieval Art | The Medieval Garden Enclosed | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (

A French Bible Historie with Ilustrations Partie d'une « Bible historiée toute figurée ». | Gallica (

The British Library MS Viewer (  Benedictional of St Æthelwold, 963-984

The British Library MS Viewer ( Cotton MS<

Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs - ProQuest

Ramification (botany) - Wikipedia

A Mosaic of Daniel in the Lions’ Den from Borj el Youdi (Furnos Minus) Tunisia: The Iconography of Martyrdom and the Arena in Roman North Africa (

DANIEL IN THE LIONS DEN. Mosaic from Tunisia (Print #12345189) (

Bir Messaouda Basilica

Bardon Museum Tunis Lion and Mushroom trees Tunis | Dan Sloan | Flickr

Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France : Société mycologique de France : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive  M. Marchland and M. Boudier ‘La fresque de Plainscourault (Indre)’  Bulletin Société Mychologique Française 1911 27”31-33

British Museum Manuscripts Digitised Manuscripts (<
Cotton Genesis 1 The British Library MS Viewer ( 

Cotton Genesis 2 The British Library MS Viewer (

Cotton Genesis 3 The British Library MS Viewer (

BLAdd MS 37472

Vienna Genesis Genesis: Sog. Wiener Genesis (  First half of the 6th century

Vienna Genesis illustrated pages with titles: ÖNB Digital (

Utrecht Psalter Annotated Edition

Utrecht Psalter Annotated Edition ( 

Harley Manuscript 603 Copied from the Utrecht Psalter 

Wren Digital Library - R.17.1 ( Eadwine Psalter

The Text of the Eadwine Psalter transcribed here 


Christian Mushroom Trees (

Gallery of Mushrooms in Christian Art – The Egodeath theory (

File:13th-century unknown painters - Wooden ceiling (detail) - WGA19740.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The-Canturbury-Psalter-Adam-and-Eve-and-the-Mushroom-of-Knowledge-1147-CE-.jpg (423×480) (

Look up Adam and Eve and Romanesque

Days on the Claise: Chapelle de Plaincourault  Pictures of all the paintings in the Chapelle de Plaincourault


Abbey Church of Saint-Savin-Sur-Gartempe, UNESCO Site, Poitou-Charentes, France | CheeseWeb

untitled (  An article by Brown and Brown that contains a scan of Panofsky's letter

Baumstilisierungen in der mittelalterlichen malerei : Brinckmann, A. E. (Albert Erich), 1881-1958 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Книжная миниатюра - православные мастерские «Русская Икона» ( (doesn't work?)

Albert Brinckmann

Kornbluth Life of Christ miscellany (

Loisel Gospels Evangelia [Evangiles dits de Loisel]. | Gallica ( Rheims c. 825<

Alcuin Bible The British Library MS Viewer (  This one-volume Bible of the entire Vulgate as revised by Alcuin of York (d. 804) is one of three surviving illustrated copies produced in Tours at the Benedictine abbey of St Martin. c. 830-840<

Info on Alcuin Bible with link Digitised Manuscripts (

British Museum Blog on the Alcuin Bible with key pictures A Carolingian Masterpiece: the Moutier-Grandval Bible - Medieval manuscripts blog

Kornbluth Bernward Column (

Frescoes in the Baroncelli Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence (c. 1330) (  Taddeo Gaddi Umbrella Trees.

The Ashburnham, or Tours, Pentateuch — Viewer — World Digital Library ( 

Bernward Column Explained


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