Francis A. Schaeffer Links Page

 Books are presented in the order in which they appear in the Complete Works.  Books and resources I could not find links for are printed in blue.   

Digitized lectures on various topics by Francis Schaeffer in the L'Abri Digital Library


Books by Francis A. Schaeffer

The God who is There (1968) 1, 2 

Escape from Reason (1968) 1

He is There and He is Not Silent (1972) 1 

Back to Freedom and Dignity (1972) 1 

The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, Volume 1 (1982) 1 


The first three books on volume one are referred to as "the Trilogy"

Introduction to Francis Schaeffer, i.e., the Trilogy (1974) 1

The Trilogy in one volume (1990) 1


Genesis in Space and Time (1972) 1, 2 

No Final Conflict 

Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History (1975) 1

Basic Bible Studies (1972) 1 

Art and the Bible: Two Essays (1973) 1 

The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, Volume 2 (1982)


No Little People (1974) 1

True Spirituality (1971) 1

The New Super-spirituality (1973) 1

Two Contents, Two Realities 

The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, Volume 3 (1982)


The Church at the End of the 20th Century (1970) 1234 

The Church Before the Watching World (1971) 1

The Mark of a Christian (1970) 1

Death in the City (1969) 1, 2

The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, Volume 4 (1982)


Pollution and the Death of Man (1970) 1

How Should We Then Live (1976) 1, 2

Jeremy C. Jackson, Study Guide for How Should We Then Live (1976)

The Films at L'Abri Website 1-10

The Films: How Should We Then Live, Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  6, 7, 8, 9, 10

The Films: How Should We Then Live, 1-10 in sequence.

Whatever Happened to the Human Race (1979) 1

Jeremy C. Jackson, Study Guide for Whatever Happened to the Human Race (1979) 1

The Films: Whatever Happened to the Human Race, Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The Christian Manifesto
(1981) 12 

Introduction to Francis Schaeffer, i.e., the Trilogy (1974) 1 

The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer, Volume 5 (1982) 12


Works not included in the Complete Works

Francis and Edith Schaeffer, Everybody Can Know (1973) 1 

Baptism (1976) 1

“The Secular Humanist World View Versus the Christian World View and Biblical Perspectives on Military Preparedness,” in Francis Schaeffer, Vladimir Bukovsky and James Hitchcock, Who Is for Peace (1983) 1

"Is it Your Life that Is Involved" in Mother Teresa, Francis A. Schaeffer, Malcolm Muggeridge, John R. W. Stott, Alison Davis, and Melinda Delahoyde, Who Is for Life (1984) 1 

The Great Evangelical Disaster (1984) 1

Film: The Great Evangelical Disaster

Letters of Francis A. Schaeffer (1985) 1 

The Finished Work of Christ: The Truth of Romans 1-8 (1998)


Digitized lectures on various topics by Edith Schaeffer in the L'Abri Digital Library


Books by Edith Schaeffer 

A Celebration of Marriage: Hopes and Realities (1994) 1

L'Abri (1969) 1, Rev. ed (1992) 1

Hidden Art (1971) 1.  This book is sometimes titled The Hidden Art of Homemaking

A Way of Seeing (1977) 1

The Tapestry (1981) 1 

With Love: The L'Abri Family Letters 1948-1960) (1988) 1 

Dear Family: The L'Abri Family Letters 1961-1986 (1989) 1

The Art of Life (1987) 1 

A Celebration of Marriage: Hopes and Realities (1994) 1

Books about Francis and Edith Schaeffer

Scott R. Burson & Jerry L. Walls, C.S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer (1998) 1

Christopher Catherwood, Five Evangelical Leaders (1985) 1

Colin Duriez, Francis Schaeffer, An Authentic Life (2008) 1

Lane T. Dennised., Francis A. Schaeffer: Portraits of the Man and His Work (1986) 1 

Bryan A. Follis, Truth with Love: The Apologetics of Francis A. Schaeffer (2006) 1

Barry Hankin, Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of American Evangelicalism (2008) 1 

Thomas V. Morris, Francis Schaeffer's Apologetics: A Critique (1976) 1

Louis G. Parkhurst, Francis and Edith Schaeffer (1996) 1

Ronald Ruegsegger, ed., Reflections on Francis Schaeffer (1986) 1 


Books by Franky/Frank Schaeffer

Editor, Is Capitalism Christian (1985) 1

A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality (1982) 1

Addicted to Mediocrity for Peace, Prosperity and Happiness (1981) 1 

A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality (1982) 1

Forward to Richard Grenier, The Gandhi Nobody Knows (1983) 1

Bad News for Modern Man (1984) 1

Franky and Harold Fickett, A Modest Proposal (1984) 1

Patti Thomson Roberts, Ashes to Gold (1985) 1 Franky plays into the story of Patti and Richard Roberts (Oral Roberts' son)

"The Christian Activist" (198?-199?)

Dancing Alone: The Quest for Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religion (2002) 1

Sham Pearls for Real Swine (1990) 1

Portofino (1996) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Saving Grandma (1997) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Dancing Alone: The Quest for Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religion (2002) 1

Crazy for God (2002) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Zermatt (2003) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Franky and son John, Keeping Faith (2002) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Faith of Our Sons (2004) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Patience with God (2009) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Sex, Mom and God (2011) 1 (Searchable but not viewable)

Why I Am an Atheist Who Believes in God (2014) 1 (Searchable but not viewable) 


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