Me Online: Odds and Ends from Ronald V. Huggins

This is a list of odds and ends of things I have done which, for the most part, got on the internet at someone else's instigation. The reason I compiled it was to be able to remember what I might have said or written where and when.  Some of these are listed simply because I don't have a copy. I'll probably add some that I do have a copy but that appear on other peoples' websites. I compiled this list here a couple of years back but did not publish it openly because its primary intention was for my private use.    When my computer was stolen several years ago I lost access to an earlier blog and had to start anew.  So if that happens again, I will lose everything on this blog that is not published.  So, in order to prevent that from happening to this list, I am publishing it now.  If anyone finds the links I provide here helpful, then that's fine. The material is arranged with the things that are most recent going back from there.  Given its previous life as a catch-all it currently needs tidying up.  

2024, Feb 24.  Bill McKeever Interviews Sandra Tanner and Ron Huggins at the Utah Christian Research Center. Also here, here, and here

2023 Summer. The Enneagram's Occult Remainders: Two Key Examples,
The Worldviews Newsletter (Summer, 2023): 4-7.

2023 "Unveiling 'Dr. Clandestine,'" Signature Books Event Podcast with Gary Bergera, Barbara Brown, Sandra Tanner and I.

2023 Allen Wyatt, "Largely Shadow, Short on Reality," Interpeter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 59 (2023): 135-158. Review of Lighthouse

2023, Oct. 6 The Enneagram and Christianity on Priority Talk on WXJC Radio for Birmingham & Huntsville and here

2023 Awards | Mormon History Association: Lighthouse MHA Best Biography 2023, also here and here 

2023 Jeremy M. Christiansen, "Wikies for the Lord,"  
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (2023 56 (2): 167-170)  and PDF. Review of Lighthouse

2023 Apr/May. The 5 part story of how Christ came to take hold of me.

2023. May 25. The Enneagram’s Occult Remainders: Two Key Examples | Apologetics Resource Center (

2019, Dec. 10 Enneagram – No Christian Origins – Marcia Montenegro and Ron Huggins.  Midwest Christian Outreach Lost Podcast 170 c. 1920-21 

2023, March 9, "Unveiling Dr. Clandestine" panel discussion at Signature Books.  With Sandra Tanner, Barbara Brown, Gery Bergera and me. 

2023, March 3, Mormon Stories Interview Sandra Tanner, Barbara Brown, Gary Bergera, John Dehlin and me. 

Feb. 2023 (?) Two-part Interview with Kent Philpott. I wanted to interview Kent Allan Philpott who was a key player in the Jesus movement in California and the author of Memoir of a Jesus Freak (2014) and Awakenings in America and the Jesus People Movement (2011).  Instead, he ended up interviewing me for a series of Christian testimonies that he does.  I feel that these are more rushed and perfunctory than the five-part version above.

Ron Huggins Interview with Kent Philpott (part 1)

Ron Huggins Interview with Kent Philpott (part 2) 

March 9, 2023 "Unveiling Dr. Clandestine" panel discussion at Signature Books.  With Sandra Tanner, Barbara Brown, Gary Bergera and me. 

March 3, 2023 Mormon Stories Interview Sandra Tanner, Barbara Brown, Gary Bergera, John Dehlin and me. 

2022 Nov 18 (Friday) 2022, Mormon Stories Book Club Interview with John Dehlin and Rebecca Bibliotheca.

2022 God Loves Mormons Sandra and I on.  I speak I think about a minute. 

2022, June 13 (Monday) 7 PM 2022 Enneagram Genesis: In Search of Enneagram Origins for the series: The Enneagram, What's True, What's False, and Does it Matter produced by Midwest Christian Outreach and AGTV and InGrace 

2022, June 13:  Here is the original version where my talk is preceded by that of Justin Peters 

2022, June 17:  Q & A Panel on the last day of the above online webinar

2022, June 27-July 1, 4-5: Viewpoint on Mormonism Radio Show (with Sandra Tanner).

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7

2022: July 19 (Posted July 27) Sandra Tanner and I Interviewed on the Signature Podcast

2022, July 20: Sandra Tanner and I interviewed on Radio Free Mormon, Mormonism Live podcast.

2022, Aug 2  The Unknown Webcast (Midwest Christian Outreach) Enneagram History

Whitmer Cast Episode 7 Interview with me and Sandra Tanner about Lighthouse.

Online articles:

 "Dizzy, Dancing, or Dying: The Misapproriation of MS. Bodl. 602 fol. 27v as 'Evidence' for Psychedelic Mushrooms in Christian Art," Fragments 1.1 (2022): 1-25. (Google Drive)

2021 "C.G. Jung, J.J. Honegger, and the Case of Emil Schwyzer (The 'Solar Phallus Man')," Phanes 4 (2021), 82-151.

2021, June 9.  Interview with Ron Huggins in connection with the 50th anniversary of the first rainbow gathering (Part 123)


2020 “What Really Happened in Ravenna? C.G. Jung and Toni Wolff’s Mosaic Vision?” Phanês: Journal for Jung History 3 (2020): 76-115.

2020 "On the Secondary Nature of Kaṁsa’s ‘Massacre of the Innocents’ in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa 10," Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies 33 (2020):76-90.


2019 “On Śhrīla Prabhupāda’s insistence that ‘Christ’ came from ‘Krishna.’" Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies 32 (2019): 56-70. 

2019, Dec. 10 Enneagram – No Christian Origins – Marcia Montenegro and Ron Huggins.  Midwest Christian Outreach Lost Podcast 170 c. 1920-21 

Did Early Christians Perform Baptism for the Dead? Salt Lake City Messenger 133 (October 2019): 7-20.

2018 The Story Behind "Matthean Posteriority" Logos Biblical Studies Blog

On Alan Garrow's Blog


The Book of Mormon: Another Bible of Another Bible Forgery? Part II," 128 (Apr 2017): 1-16.


The Book of Mormon: Another Bible of Another Bible Forgery? Part I,” 127 (Nov 2016): 1-19.


"The Hare Krishnas, The Second Commandment, And Me," Midwestern Journal of Theology 13.1 (2014): 147-74

"The Messianic Secret in Wrede versus The Messianic Secret in Mark," Midwestern Journal of Theology 13.1 (2014): 118-29


"Are the Stories of Christianity’s Jesus and Hinduism’s Krishna Simply Two Different Versions of the Same Archetypal Myth?" Midwestern Journal of Theology 12.2 (2013): 118-150. Also see the slightly edited and corrected blog version here.


"Sorting out the Jameses, Part I: Getting Clear on James the Son of Zebedee and James the Brother of Jesus and their Respective Iconographies." Midwestern Journal of Theology 11.2 (2012): 95-112

"What Does Mitt Romney Really Believe About Abortion?" Midwestern Journal of Theology 11.1 (2012): 103-12.


"The Art of the New Testament Front-Piece Of the 1611 King James Bible," Midwestern Journal of Theology 10.2 (2011):133-56

Kersey Graves’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Prometheus as Test Case,” Midwestern Journal of Theology 10.1 (Spring 2011): 145-65.  See here.

"The Repentance of Jerome: How the Great Translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible Got His Priorities Turned Round," Midwestern Journal of Theology 10.1 (2011): 190-200

"Cutting-Edge Obsolescence: Rob Bell’s Reliance on a Long-Discredited Universalist Rendering of Matthew 25:46 in Love Wins," Midwestern Journal of Theology 10.1 (2011): 124-29 


"Bart Ehrman on the Resurrection," Midwestern Journal of Theology 9.2 (Fall 2010): 46-84

"The Ox and the Donkey," Midwestern Journal of Theology 9.2 (Fall 2010):179-193  

 "The Sign of the Pelican on the Cross of Christ," Midwestern Journal of Theology 8.2/9.1 (Spring 2010): 119-132.

"Did Constantine Decide the New Testament Canon?" Midwestern Journal of Theology 8.2/9.1 (Spring 2010): 102-114


"Jesus, Abba, and the Seminar," Midwestern Journal of Theology 8.1 (Fall 2009): 41-56.


2008 "Those Abominable Creeds

"Jerald Tanner's Quest for Truth 3," Salt Lake Messenger 111 (Nov 2008): 1-14.  Full issue here.

"Review: Massacre at Mountain Meadows: An American Tragedy. Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley and Glen M. Leonard (Oxford University Press, 2008)," Salt Lake Messenger 111 (Nov 2008):17-21. Full issue here

"Hugh Nibley's Footnotes," Salt Lake Messenger 110 (May 2008): 9-22. Full issue here.


2007 Critical Vision: The Research and Writings of Jerald and Sandra Tanner. Sunstone 2007. I appear on the panel with Carolyn Campbell, Lawrence Foster, Allen Roberts.

"Jerald Tanner's Quest for Truth 1," Salt Lake Messenger 108 (May 2007): 1-18. Full issue here.

Too Many Factual Errors: Elaine Pagel’s and Karen King, Reading Judas, the Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity.

The Devil's in the Details: A Review of The Jesus Family Tomb and the Tomb of Jesus 


"Lorenzo Snow's Couplet: 'As Man Now Is, God Once Was; As God Now Is, Man May Be': 'No Functioning Place in Present-Day Mormon Doctrine?' A Response to Richard Mouw," 
JETS 49/3 (Sept 2006): 549–68 


 “Evangelists on Temple Square,” [On D. L. Moody’s Visits] Salt Lake Theological Seminary Newsletter (Winter 2004-05): 5.


"Cracks in the Da Vinci Code"

"An Appeal for an Authentic Evangelical-Mormon Dialogue," (2004).  Also here.


“Joseph Smith and the First Verse of the Bible,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 46.1 (2003): 29-52.

From Captain Kidd’s Treasure Ghost to the Angel Moroni: Changing Dramatis Personae in Early Mormonism,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought  36.4 (2003): 17-42.

2003 “Joseph Smith and the First Verse of the Bible,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 46.1 (2003): 29-52.

2003 "Joseph Smith's Modalism, Sabellian Sequentialism or Swedenborgian Expansionism?"   Paper delivered at Salt Lake Seminary, July 26, 2003.

2002 Joseph Smith and the Text of Genesis One Salt Lake Sunstone, Summer, 2002.

1997  Did the Author of 3 Nephi Know the Gospel of Matthew? Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 30.3 (2003): 137-148.


"A Note on Archibald Alexander's Apologetic Motive in Positing 'Errors' in the Autographs," Westminster Theological Journal 37 (1995): 463-70.


"Joseph Smith's `Inspired Translation' of Romans 7," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought  26.4  (1993): 159-82.  Also here.

"Alleged Classical Parallels to Paul's ‘What I Want to Do I Do Not  Do,  But  What I Hate, That I Do’ (Rom 7:15)," Westminster Theological Journal 54 (1992): 153-61. 

1983, Dec 9. Nick Gier Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 6) "No misquotes here."  This was, I think, my last public interaction with Nick.  Between 1981 and 1983 we were going back and forth pretty much continually in private letters or conversation. 

1983, Dec 6.  Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 5) "Gier misquotes author." A response to Nick's Nov 29 letter. 

1983, Nov 29. Nick Gier Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 5) "Wrong Idea Given."

1981, Oct 20. Nick Gier Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 5) "Did not err." Nick's response to my Oct 9 letter. 

1981, Oct 9. Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 5) "Not Donkeys." Seven objections to claims put forward by philosophy prof. Nick Gier in his Oct. 2 "What Evidence."  This is the letter that led to a protracted back and forth with Nick.  

1981, Oct 2 Nick Gier Letter to the Editor of the Argonaut (p. 3) "What Evidence?"


Roman Catholicism and the Evangelical Conscience (Moscow, Idaho: Ransom Press, 1980).

1979 Oct/Nov "Testimony," Roots by the River, 3-4.

1979: Apr 10 Letter to the editor of the Argonaut (p. 5) on Marriage.

1975, Mar 4 Notice on art show for Terri Sobotka medical bills (p. 2).  Terri's obituary

1974 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 72 - University of Idaho Yearbook by University of Idaho Library - Issuu

Joseph Smith and the Text of Genesis One


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