Biblical Resources

This page is a mess, because I am in the process of compiling it.  But it is a treasure trove too 

Patrologia Latina/5 - Wikisource

Index Tertullianus Pt 1, 2, 3

Josephus Jewish War online: 
Josephus: Of the War, Book I (

You can read the German Bible Society LXX other translations online they changed the format making the old address not work 

Jonah's Nineveh | Published in Tyndale Bulletin

Submitting a proposal | Journals | Oxford Academic (


Ecclesiasticus 18 (Latin-English) (

Good source for Jerome and Eusebius Chronicon and for Excerpta Latina Barbari Chronicon Paschale


Kurt Aland, Synopsis of the Four Gospels (English only)
Kurt Aland, Synopsis of the Four Gospels (English/Greek) 
Kurt Aland, Synopsis quattuor evangeliorum (Greek only)

Athanasius Polag, Fragmenta Q

John Kloppenborg, Q Parallels

John Kloppenborg, Q The Earliest Gospel 

Documenta Q 4:1-13, 16 (The Temptation in the Wilderness)
Frans Neirynck, “The Reconstruction of Q and IQP/CritEd Parallels,” in The Sayings Source and the Historical Jesus (BETL 158; ed. A. Lindemann; Leuven: Leuven University Press / Peeters, 2001), 53-147.

H. A. G. Houghton, Latin New Testament A Guide to its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts  (Click Open Access Tab).


Leige Diatessaron
Ephrem Syrus Commentary on the Diatessaron (French) (French 2) (extracts in English)
Stanislaus Lyonette on the Armenian Version and Diatessaron (1 Oxford English Dictionary

Romans // 1 Corinthians // 2 Corinthians // Galatians // Ephesians 1-3 // Ephesians 4-6 // Philippians // Colossians // 1-2 Thessalonians // 1Timothy // 2 Timothy // Titus // Revelation


Augustine On Genesis Works of Augustine for 21st cent. 

Augustine Arianism and other Heresies Works of Augustine for 21st cent.

Page Title (

Schleiermacher on Papias

Open Access Digital Theological Library | a digital library for theology, religious studies, and related disciplines (


Hodge 1835 1864
Stuart on Romans 1st ed 1832 , , 3rd ed 1854
Tholuck on Romans English Vol 1 , Vol 2

Latin Verb Index for parsing

Du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, , Vol. 1, 1733 (A-B), Vol. 1 1840 (A-B) ,Vol. 1 (A-B), Vol. 2 1733 (C-D), Vol. 2 1842 (C-D), Vol. 3 1733 (E-K) , Vol. 3 1844 (E-K)Vol. 3 1884 (D-F)Vol. 4 1733 (L-O) , Vol. 4. 1845 (L-O)Vol. 4 1885 (G-K) , Vol. 5 1734 (P-R),   Vol. 5 1845 (P-R)  , Vol. 6 1736 (S-Z)Vol. 6 1846 (S-Z) , Vol. 7 1850 (Indexes, etc. I) , Vol. 8 1887 (T-Z)  ,

Online Du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis


The Academy

John Barrett Evangelium secundum Mattheaum ex Codice Rescipta in Bibliotheca CollegiiSanctae Trinitatis justa Dublin

Help With Latin named publishers
 Vol. 2.
C. VERCELLONE, Variae lectiones Vulgatae Latinae bibliorum editionis 1 , 1, 2, 2, 


Stephanus 1549 Greek New Testament

Stephanus 1546 Greek New Testament

Joseph Addison Alexander, The Gospel of Matthew

New LXX Online

online Eng. trans of the LXX

Matthias Arnoldi, Evangelium des S. Matthäus 1856.
Carl Friedrich Keil, Evangelium des Matthäus 1877
John Peter Lange, The Gospel of Matthew

W. Hoffman, Das Leben Jesu 1839

Paul Schanz, Commentar über das Evangelium des heiligen Matthäus 1879
Theordor Zahn, Das Evangelium des Matthäus 1922

Evangelium des Matthäus
Mill Greek Edition 1707

Tischendorf, Synopsis Evangelica

Bacon, Benjamin W. Studies in Matthew (New York: Henry Holt, 1930), xiv-xv, 8, 269-335 (esp. 279, 287, 296, 307, 325)

Bacon, Benjami W. “The ‘Five Books’ of Matthew against the Jews," Expositor 15.85 (Jan 1918): 56-66, esp. 64

Meyer, Heinrich August William, Matthew (English) IA

IA = Internet Archive

M. HILLER, SyntagmaHermeneutica

Schlatter, Adolf, Das Evangelium des Matthäus  2nd ed. 1900

Gaspar Sanchez p 1561/1520

Gaspar Sanchez p 1561/1520

Martin Chemnitz Harmonia
Cornelius á Lapide, Great Commentary Vol 1 (Matt 1-9) 1

Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma (English)

Denzinger, Enchiridion (Latin), again: 1 , 2 , 

Patristic Bible Commentary

Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum

Post Reformation Digital Library 

Augustine's works
Sant'Agostino - Vita, Scritti, Pensiero, Santità, Attualità (

M. Bucer, Enarrationes perpetuae in sacra quatuor evangelia

F. Gomarus, Examen Controversiarum De Genealogia Christi (1631)

Hugo Grotius, Annotationes  1 Matt 1-13 , 2 Matt 14-28 , 3 Mark and Luke , 4 John{%22view%22:%22info%22}

Erasmus 1st Edition (1516)  2nd ed. (1519) 

Stapulensis 1521 Whole, Part 1 , Part 2

Jan Krans' List of Beza's New Testament Editions Online

Jan Krans-Plaisier's List of Stephanus' New Testament Editions Online

Friedrich Spanheim, Dubia evangelica 1-2 3 1 2


Matthews Bible Info 1

1537 Matthew's Bible 1
1537 Matthew's Bible Digital 1

Taverner's Bible Info 1

1539 Taverner Bible  1

Jugge’s New Testament (1552) Info 1

Geneva Bible Info 1

1560 Geneva Bible
1599 Geneva Bible (Beza's Notes) 1
1606 Geneva Bible 1

Bishop's Bible (1568) Info 1 

1568 The Bishop's Bible 1

1582 The Rhemes (Rheims) New Testament 1

1611 King James Bible

Online Greek Bible's U of Penn



Reference works

Strack, H. L., and P. Billerbeck. Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch (6 vols. Munich: Beck,1922–1961), Vol. 1, 1, 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6

SBL Style Abbreviation:  Str-B 2:271 (= volume 2, page 71).

Greek NT


Novum Intrumentum 1516 (1st ed.) 1, 1

Novum Intrumentum 1519 (2nd ed.) 1

1611 King James Bible

Page Views 1

Spurgeon, Charles, Commenting on Commentaries 1, 1, 1, 1.

The Dutch Annotations on the Whole Bible 1

Scholarly Commentary:

Johann Albrecht
, Gnomon Novi Testamenti 1, 1 (3rd ed) 2, 3,   Complete (2nd ed) Complete (Bengel's Works 10)

Bengel, J. A. New Testament with Critical Apparatus

Bengel, Johann Albrecht, Gnomon on the New Testament 1, 2, 3,

Strack, H. L., and P. Billerbeck. Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch (6 vols. Munich: Beck,1922–1961), Vol. 1, 1, 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6

SBL Style Abbreviation:  Str-B 2:271 (= volume 2, page 71).

Doddridge, Philip, Family Expositor Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5. Vol. 6

Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, et al.

Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, et al., Hand-commentar zum Neuen Testament Vol. 1 , Vol. 2  , Vol. 3 , Vol. 4

Popular Commentary

The Dutch Annotations on the Whole Bible 1
Gaebelein, Arno, The Annotated Bible, Vol. 1 (The Penteteuch), Vol. 2 (Joshua-Chronicles),  Vol. 3 (Ezra-Psalms),  Vol. 4 (Proverbs-Eekiel),  Vol. 5 (Daniel-Malachi),  Vol. 6 (Gospels-Acts), Vol. 7 (Romans-Ephesians), Vol. 8 (Philippians-Hebrews,  Vol. 9 (James- Revelation).

Grant, Frederick W, The Numerical Bible Vol. 1 (4th ed.), Vol. 2 (3rd ed.), Vol. 3 (3rd ed.), Vol. 4 (? ed.), Vol. 5 (3rd ed.), Vol. 6 (4th ed.), Vol. 7 (3rd ed.), At one site 1

Jenks, William, Comprehensive Commentary on the Holy Bible Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4

Lightfoot, John, Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae Vol. 1, 1, 1 Vol. 2, 2, Vol. 3, 3Vol. 4, 4

The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Lightfoot 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2

Lightfoot, John, The Whole Works of the Rev. John Lightfoot, 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 ,  4 , 5 , 5 , 5 , 6 , 6 , 6 , 6 , 7  , 7 , 7 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 10 , 10 , 10, 11 , 11 , 11 , 12 , 12 , 12 , 13 , 13 , 13

Poole, Mathew,  Annotations upon the Holy Bible Vol. 1 (Genesis-Lamentations)  Vol. 2

Page view  1 (3rd ed. /1696), 1 (4th ed. / 1700)  1, 1 (Hathi Trust / 1853), // 2 (4th ed. / 1700), 2 (Hathi Trust / 1853),  3 (Hathi Trust / 1852)

Some early editions online

Griesbach Vol 1

Digital Edition Complete 1, 1

Scott, Thomas, The Holy Bible, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, 5, 5 Vol. 6, 6,

Whitby,, Daniel, Paraphrase 3rd ed.

Meyer, Heinrich August William, Critical and Exegetical Hand-book to the Gospel of Matthew

Ewald, Heinrich, Die drei ersten Evangelien  [Göttingen: Dieterich, 1850],169.

Die drei ersten Evangelien  [Göttingen: Dieterich, 1850],169.

Die drei ersten Evangelien  [Göttingen: Dieterich, 1850],169.

Die drei ersten Evangelien  [Göttingen: Dieterich, 1850],169.

Die drei ersten Evangelien  [Göttingen: Dieterich, 1850],169.


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