"...my 47 years in evangelical Christianity." See here ( 20:20) Here, as best as I can gather, is the religious background of the celebrated ex-evangelical convert to Mormonism David Alexander. Alexander features his evangelical background as the platform from which he defends Mormonism and opposes evangelicals. Questions have been posed about the extent of Alexander's evangelical involvement. How one answers these questions will depend on (1) whether one considers the Twelve Tribe group in which Alexander (as "Duresh") belonged for what appears to be most of the last 20 years, should be counted as evangelical or not, and (2) whether the great number of churches Alexander reports having passed through during the previous 27 years, some of which could undoubtedly be counted as evangelical, represents typical evangelical experience. I leave it to my readers to decide the answers to these two questions for themselves. Where possible I have relied on Al...
Chogyam Trungpa Recently added items: (To get to main list scroll down to "List of SBNR Offenders I and II" Pattabhi Jois and Ashtanga yoga: Matthew Remski, Surviving Modern Yoga: Cult Dynamics, Charismatic Leaders, and What Survivors Can Teach Us (2nd ed.; Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2024). See further Remski's webpage . See more on Pattabhi Jois below, including an article by Remski, as well as interviews with Remski here and here California ‘Shaman’ Faces Felony Sex Assault Charges (Aug 14, 2024) on Ricardo I. Flores, "Koyote the Blind." Sravasti Abbey 25 Middle-Length Lamrim: Sexual Misconduct, Lying, and Divisive Speech 06-27-24 with Ven. Sangye Khadro. Edward Helmore, " Shame and betrayal’: Sexual Abuse within the Spiritual Healing Industry Comes to Light. " The Guardian (26 May 2024) . " Sexual Ethics and Healthy Boundaries in the Wake of Teacher Abuse ," Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide (Winter 2023): 63-...
Thesis: Ayn Rand only has herself to blame if people misunderstand what she means by the word "Selfishness," as used in her phrase The Virtue of Selfishness. Ayn Rand’s title The Virtue of Selfishness is very off-putting and has resulted in widespread misunderstanding concerning her views. This is because it is assumed that by the word “selfishness,” she meant what that word usually means. That is not, however, the case. To some degree she only has herself to blame for this misunderstanding. In the introduction to that book, Rand asserted that “the exact meaning and dictionary definition of the word ‘selfishness’ is: concern with one’s own interests. This concept does not include a moral evaluation.” That simply isn’t true. Rand made this statement in 1964. At the time one of the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language was the Merriam-Webster’s Third International...
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