A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada & ISKCON Links Page

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (1896-1977)
(Photo: R. Huggins, Oct. 2, 2020, Salt Lake Temple)

I have had this up without posting it for a while just for my own use in finding and accessing the works by and about Bhaktivedanta Swami, old issues of Back to Godhead, and other relevant material and sources. I make it available to others without any claim that it provides anything like an approved or comprehensive list, although by now it does include a quite extensive collection of Bhaktivedanta Swami writings and other materials.  I favor sites that offer PDFs or other ways of providing the scholar with the ability to quote original page numbers in order to facilitate full citation in scholarly writing. If you find a link that doesn't work, or goes to the wrong place, please let me know.  
I begin with an online tour relating to Bhaktivedanta Swami's time in San Francisco put together by the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley. The advertisement below, which can also be used to access it, was distributed at the 2022 Society of Biblical Literature/American Association of Religion annual meeting in Denver, Colorado. 

Here is my article "On the Secondary Nature of Kamsa's 'Massacre of the Innocents' in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa," that appeared in the 2020 Journal of Hindu Christian Studies

Here is my article "On Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Insistence that ‘Christ’ came from ‘Krishna,’" that appeared in the 2019 Journal of Hindu Christian Studies


Bhagavad-gītā As It Is (PDF) & at VedaBase 

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is (PDF 1972 Edition)

Easy Journey to Other Planets (PDF) Orig. Indian Edition

Nectar of Devotion  (PDF) & here (PDF) & at VedaBase

Nectar of Instruction (PDF) & here (PDF) & at VedaBase

Sri Isopanisad (PDF) & at VedaBase
Sri Caitanya Caritamrta (original 17 vols.) (at VedaBase)

Adi-Lila (at Vedabase)
Vol. 1 (PDF)
Vol. 2 (PDF)
Vol. 3 (PDF)

Madhya-Lila (at VedaBase)
Vol. 1 (PDF)
Vol. 2 (PDF)
Vol. 3 (PDF)
Vol. 4 (PDF)
Vol. 5 (PDF)
Vol. 6 (PDF)
Vol. 7 (PDF)
Vol. 8 (PDF)
Vol. 9 (PDF)

Antya-Lila (at VedaBase)
Vol. 1 (PDF)
Vol. 2 (PDF)
Vol. 3 (PDF)
Vol. 4 (PDF)
Vol. 5 (PDF)
Bhaktivedanta VedaBaseThis is an online site providing extensive materials by Prabhupada.
Back to Godhead magazine PDF Archives here (1944-1977), and in html here. You can see images of pages which can be read individually here (from 1944-2011, missing 2004 and 2006).
Back to Godhead  magazine Select issues through 2016.

As time and occasion permits I am going to include links to individual issues of Back to Godhead in PDF format. 

Nos.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43/44/45/46/47/48/49/50/51/52/53/54/55/56/57/58/59/60/61/62/63/64/65/66/67 (1974) 
/68/10.1 (1975) / 10.2... 11.3-4 (1976) / 

1967 1:5 Jan 1 1:5 (Jan 1) 1 /1.6 (Jan 20) 1 / 

1968  No. 19 1 / No. 20 1 / No. 21 1 / 

1969 No. 22 (Feb 28) 1 /No. 23 (Apr 18) 1 / No. 24 (Aug) 1 / No. 25 1 (Sept) / No. 26 1 (Oct) / No. 27 1 / No. 28 1 / No. 29 1 / No. 30 1 / No. 31 1

1970-1973 No. 31 1 / No. 32 1 / No. 33 1 / No. 34 1 / No. 35 1 / No. 36 1 / No. 37 1No. 38 1 / No. 39 1 / No. 40 1No. 41 1 / No. 42 1 / No. 43 1 / No 44 1 / No. 46 1 / No. 47 1 / No. 48 1 / No. 49 1 

1973 No. 52 1 /No. 53 1 /No. 55 1 / No. 57 1 /No. 58 1 / No. 59 1 / No. 60 1

1974 Jan (no. 61) 1 / Feb (no. 62) 1 / Mar (no. 63) 1 / Apr (no. 64) 1 (Special Issue) / April (no. 65) 1 /May 1 (no. 66) / June (no. 67) 1 / 

1975 (Vol 10) Jan 1 / Feb 1Mar 1 / Apr 1 / May-Jun 1 / Jul 1 / Sept 1 / Oct 1 / Nov 1 / Dec 1

1976 (Vol 11) Jan 1 / Feb 1 / Mar 1 / Jun 1 / Jul 1 / Nov 1

1977 12.1 1 / 12.3-4 1 / 12.5 1 / 12.6 1 /12.7 1 / 12.8 1 /12.9 1 / 12.10 1 / 12.11 1 / 12.12 1

1978 (Vol 13) / 13:11 1 / 13:12 1

1979 (Vol 14) 14:4 (Apr) 1 / 14:5 (May) 1 / 14:7  1 / 14:8 1 14:10 (Oct) 1 / Dec 1 

1980 (Vol 15)  Jan-Feb 1 / Mar-Apr 1 /May 1 / Jul 1 /Aug 1 / Sept 1 / Oct 1 /Nov 1 / Dec 1
1981 (Vol 16):  Jan-Feb 1 / Mar-Apr 1 / May 1 (Lennon/Ono/Harrison) / Jun 1 / Jul 1 / Aug 1 / Sept 1 / Oct 1 / Nov 1 / Dec 1
1982 (Vol 17): Jan 1 /Feb-Mar 1 / Apr 1 / May 1 / Jun 1 / July 1 /Aug 1
Sept 1 / Nov 1 / Dec 1 / 

1983 (Vol 18) Jan 1 (George Harrison Interview 1) / Feb-Mar 1 (George Harrison Interview 2)/ Apr 1 / May 1 / June 1 / July 1 / Aug 1 / Sept 1 / Oct 1 / Nov 1 / Dec 1

1984 (Vol 19) Jan 1 /Feb-Mar 1 / April 1 / May 1

1985 (Vol 20): 20:1 1 / 20:2-3 1 / 20:4 1 /20:5 1 / 20:7 1 / 20:12 1

1986 (Vol 21):  21:1 (Jan) 1 /  21:4 (Apr) 1 /  21:9 (Sept) 1 

1987 (Vol 22) 22:4 (Apr) 1  22:8 (Aug) 1 

Krishna Voice magazine (PDFs) 2012-Present (ISKCON Bangalore).



2016 Annual Review
2017 NOV-DEC / Annual Review
2018 Annual Review
2021 JAN-MAR / APR-MAY / JUNE-JULY / SEPT (Special edition) / AUG - OCT / 

Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Mini-Magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications: Issues 1-500+.

Articles by Steven J. Rosen  (Satarājā Dāsa)

Writings by Prabhupada's Teacher Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura 

"Inside ISKCON" by Ed Senesi (Jagannatha-suta), one time Editor-in-Chief of Back to Godhead magazine.  Ed joined in 1971 and was in the movement for 9 years.

The website harekrishnathing.com, featuring articles by (1) Willem Vandenburg (Varnadi Das) who joined ISKCON in 1990 and left in 2010.  He served as a translator and editor in Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Sweden.  See for example, here.

(3) Anke Holst (Anuradha dasi), was a member of ISKCON from 1990-2009 and worked at Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Sweden.  See for example, here.

(2) Steven J. Gelberg (Subhananda das), a member of ISKCON for seventeen years (1970-1987), serving for a time as Director for Inter-religious Affairs. Gelberg was the editor of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna: Five Distinguished Scholars on the Krishna Movement in the West; Harvey Cox, Larry D. Shinn, Thomas J. Hopkins, A.L. Basham Shrivatsa Goswami (New York: Grove Press, 1983).  Gelberg also contributed the section "On Leaving ISKCON" to The Hare Krishna Movement: The Postcharismatic Fate of a Religious Transplant (eds. Edwin F. Bryant & Maria L. Ekstrand; New York: Columbia University Press, 2004), 393-403.  Gelberg is also a gifted photographer.  See, for example, here and here.

THE RITVIK MOVEMENT/ISKCON Revival Movement (Webpage Here)

The Ritvik Movement arose in connection with the issue of the proper interpretation of this July 9, 1977, general letter of instruction sent by Prabhupada to ISKCON leaders. See in particular The Final Order here in text form and here (PDF).  The dispute is summed up in one source as follows:

The dispute centres on what system His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (henceforth Srila Prabhupada) gave for the process of spiritual initiation (diksa, in Sanskrit dīkṣā) within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the movement he founded. The current Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON maintains that Srila Prabhupada ordered his own disciples to succeed him as diksa-gurus after his departure, whereas the Reformists (or Revivalists, as they prefer to be called), under the leadership of the ISKCON Revival Movement (IRM), contend that the system that was put in place for ISKCON just before Srila Prabhupada’s departure should have continued to be followed."

(Quoted from p. 13 of the "Rival Positions" document linked here and again under its fuller title below).

Key documents related to the Ritvik Movement


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