Timeline of David Alexander, Celebrity Ex-Evangelical Convert to Mormonism

"...my 47 years in evangelical Christianity." See here ( 20:20) Here, as best as I can gather, is the religious background of the celebrated ex-evangelical convert to Mormonism David Alexander. Alexander features his evangelical background as the platform from which he defends Mormonism and opposes evangelicals. Questions have been posed about the extent of Alexander's evangelical involvement. How one answers these questions will depend on (1) whether one considers the Twelve Tribe group in which Alexander (as "Duresh") belonged for what appears to be most of the last 20 years, should be counted as evangelical or not, and (2) whether the great number of churches Alexander reports having passed through during the previous 27 years, some of which could undoubtedly be counted as evangelical, represents typical evangelical experience. I leave it to my readers to decide the answers to these two questions for themselves. Where possible I have relied on Al...