Me Online: Odds and Ends from Ronald V. Huggins
This is a list of odds and ends of things I have done which, for the most part, got on the internet at someone else's instigation. The reason I compiled it was to be able to remember what I might have said or written where and when. Some of these are listed simply because I don't have a copy. I'll probably add some that I do have a copy but that appear on other peoples' websites. I compiled this list here a couple of years back but did not publish it openly because its primary intention was for my private use. When my computer was stolen several years ago I lost access to an earlier blog and had to start anew. So if that happens again, I will lose everything on this blog that is not published. So, in order to prevent that from happening to this list, I am publishing it now. If anyone finds the links I provide here helpful, then that's fine. The material is arranged with the things that are most recent going back from there. Given its previous...