
Showing posts from 2020

What the Red-Letter Jesus has to say about the Bible

 I always smile when I hear someone say, "I don't care about the Bible, I just follow Jesus.  I'm a red-letter Christian."  I smile because of what Jesus himself says about Scripture. For him every word of Scripture is our very life.  He is continually quoting it as a final authority, referring to it, making arguments from it, and telling about how he himself fulfils it.  Indeed one cannot get very far in understanding what Jesus says unless we too are steeped in Scripture. So here are just a few examples of how Jesus talks about the Bible taken from Matthew's Gospel alone.   Matthew 4:4 -- Jesus quoting Deuteronomy 8:3.  If we live like Jesus every word of Scripture is our life. Matthew 5:17-18 -- Jesus affirms the Law and the Prophets.   Matthew 15:3-9 -- Jesus criticizes the Pharisees and teachers of the law for putting their traditions over Scripture -- Exodus 20:12 & Deuteronomy 5:16 / Exodus 20:12 & Deuteronomy 5:16 / Isaia...

John MacArthur's Church's Civil Disobedience Justifications Evaluated in Light of James Sire's Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways Cults Misread the Bible

Forty year ago, James Sire's book  Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible  provided me with my first lessons in hermeneutics and sound exegesis. The book shows not only how the cults misread Scripture, but how everyone does. Yesterday while working through the statement put forward by the leadership of John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (henceforth, the "MacArthur Statement") that provided their biblical rational for refusing to comply with Covid 19 restrictions, I was reminded once again of Sire's book, and spent a considerable time digging though my three-book-deep bookshelves, book bins, and book piles trying to unearth a copy. Finally I did. The reason I did is because the Church's statement provides several good examples of the kinds of misreadings Sire describes, including: Misreading 4: Ignoring the Immediate Context Misreading 10: Saying but not Citing Misreading 11: Selective Citing Misreading 12: Inadequate ...

Biblical Resources

This page is a mess, because I am in the process of compiling it.  But it is a treasure trove too  Patrologia Latina/5 - Wikisource Index Tertullianus Pt 1 , 2 , 3 Vulgate Bible ( Start reading today ( The Josephus Primer page Josephus New Testament Parallels Josephus Jewish War online:    Josephus: Of the War, Book I ( You can read the German Bible Society LXX other translations online they changed the format making the old address not work  Jonah's Nineveh | Published in Tyndale Bulletin Submitting a proposal | Journals | Oxford Academic ( Alexandrinus   Ecclesiasticus 18 (Latin-English) ( Good source for Jerome and Eusebius Chronicon and for Excerpta Latina Barbari Chronicon Paschale SYNOPTIC RESOURCES  Kurt Aland,  Synopsis of the Four Gospels (English only) Kurt Aland, Synopsis of the Four Gospels (English/Greek)  Kurt Aland, Synopsis quattuor evangeliorum  (Greek only) C...