Augustine (Aage) of Dacia's 1260 AD summary of the Medieval Fourfold Method (Quadriga) as opposed to later formulations.
I offer this as a corrective. The earliest known text to include the Quadriga is thought to be Augustine (Aage) of Dacia's Rotulus Pugillaris (1260), as follows: Littera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria. (The Letter teaches acts [what was literally done], the Allegory what you should believe) Moralis quid agas, quid speres anagogia. (The moral [teaches] what you should do, the Anagogy, what you should hope for) I offer clips of the original to aid in the accurate representation of both Augustine's and Nicholas of Lyra's versions. Very often sources misrepresent the former author by presenting a form with a different final statement, so that instead of Augustine's " quid speres anagogia ," (Anagogy, what you should hope for), he is credited instead with quo tendas anagogia , (The Anagogy, where you should be bound) a form used, for example, by Nicholas of Lyra (see below). Examples of the error can be found, to mention only few examples, i...