The Southern Baptist Leaderships' Addiction to Blame: Is it conducive to the sparking of another Great Awakening?
Our denomination is Shrinking! Our churches are closing in unprecedented numbers ! Our numbers of baptisms are falling! Giving to the Cooperative Program is down! When the question is asked of SBC leadership: Whose fault is it? Where does the problem lie? Too often the automatic answer comes back: "With the people in the pews. The members of the churches. If THEY would only get THEIR act together and do A, B, or C, things would turn around overnight and we'd have a revival!" Sometimes one gets the impression that when there's a problem, Southern Baptist leaders just don't DO self-reflection. They don't have to. They already know whose to blame and they are ready at the drop of a hat to tell you. Thom Rainer is a Southern Baptist. He says he based these fifteen points on a poll. Rainer usually bases what he says on polls and yet amazingly the results always seem to support the thesis he's wanting to promote, which ...