My answer to the question: "How do you feel about the use of the singular 'they?'"
The singular "they" has become quite broadly accepted in many fields as a way of avoiding repetition of they, (for "he" or "she,") and "them" for "him or her"). You can replace the masculine first person singular with something like "(s)he," but you run into a wall when you get to him/her or his/her and so are still pushed back toward the singular "they, "them, "their" and so on. There actually was a reason for the use of the collective masculine (present in many languages) other than the desire to promote patriarchy, it actually facilitated compactness of style. You can achieve the same thing now by using "she" and "her" instead of "he" and "him". That is certainly good and valid, so long as you keep two things in mind, one the latter of which second of which flows form the former. In the first place in doing so you aren't really communicating a true g...