A Newly Discovered Leonardo Sketch of Saint Sebastian? First Impressions: Four Possibilities

A Newly Discovered Leonardo Sketch of Saint Sebastian? First Impressions: Four Possibilities . Read about the identification here and here . My immediate first impression: It sure looks like the real deal! The fact that Leonardo's characteristic mirror handwriting appears on the reverse strengthens this impression, as does the left handed cross-hatching on the front, and the general style of drawing, which looks very much like Leonardo's. When we ask the question of authenticity there are three possibilities: (1) the drawing on both front and back come from the hand of Leonardo, (2) the drawing on the back is by Leonardo but the drawing on the front by someone else, (3) the drawing on the front is by Leonardo and the drawing on the back is by someone else, and (4) the drawing on both front and back are by someone other than Leonardo. St. Sabastian Recently Identified as a Drawing by Leonardo Reverse of the picture with Leonardo...